For many, the love of reading started with those thin paper flyers sent home in elementary school. We loved poring over those colorful pages, circling stories we longed to know, and driving our parents bonkers asking for money to shop for them in person (with a little extra cash for a bookmark or shaped eraser)! Later in life, many of us collected books, making sure we always had something on hand to read. Now, whether curling up among the stacks after finding the newest novel, hunting for dusty classics among the tomes, or downloading new faves to an e-reader, getting lost in the written word is the perfect way to spend a lazy autumn day. Fully Booked is a nod to those classically colored novels of days gone by. This rich olive-green hue is loaded with linear holo pigment. Perfect in 2 coats, this color shows off its flair best in bright lighting.
Type: Linear Holo
Base: 5-Free
Glitter Load: None
Glitter Size: None
Recommended Coats: Best in 2 coats
All blogger photos are from the same batch of polish. Variations are caused by cameras, lighting, and skin tones.
Ambrosius – Clear base with aurora shimmer blue to pink and holographic micro flakies. Part of the Labyrinth collection
As The World Falls Down – Lilac jelly base with golden to turquoise to green aurora shimmer. Part of the Labyrinth collection
Crystal Ball – Clear base with holographic galaxy glitter and purple to red aurora shimmer. Part of the Labyrinth collection