Iris ~ pale grape with intense blue shimmer and holo flakes.
Twilight Sparkle - lilac scattered holo with added glowy colorshifting shimmer that shifts through purple/green/aqua
Gladiolus ~ pale indigo linear holo with string blurple shimmer.
Lyra - light green scattered holo with glowy green/blue shimmer.
Party In The Vieux Carre -grape base with green shimmer.
Dreamscape - palest blue base with holo flakes, pink shimmer with green and orange iridescent microflakes.
Lillesol - peachy orange scattered holo base with glowy orange shimmer.
Queen Unicorn - bright pink loaded with scattered holo and a bright pink glowy shimmer.
a gorgeous smokey holo base with glowy shimmer that shifts through a rainbow of colors. Based on Linger by the Cranberries.
Mardi Gras Madness 2.0 - violet base with multiple flakes and holo flecks
Princess Luna - light blue scattered holo with a heavy dose of glowy aqua/blue shimmer.
A blackened emerald base loaded with holo flakes, purple shimmer and fuchsia microflake shimmer. Based on a song by Loreena McKennitt
In My Mind - very dark purple linear holo with shift purple/green multichrome shimmer.
Skyfall - turqouise with holo flakes and a hefty dose of glowy blue shimmer.
Back To Black - dark charcoal scattered holo with fuscia shifting shimmer.
Buttercup - yellow with pink shimmer and scattered holo. The scattered holo in this one isn’t as prevalent as the others because it hides behind the shimmer.
dark base with blue shimmer, silver magnetic and a light dusting of holo. Magnetic tools sold separately – Magnetic Tools