Some swatches shown topped over Soft Focus Basecoat - Snow. Sold Separately. LIMITED EDITION Swatches by Toyia, Taylor, Mikel, Nees, Mercedes, Lauren
Fluorescent - a neon pink base packed with glowing orange-yellow shifting iridescent shimmer. Part of the Day Glo collection LIMITED EDITION Swatches by Toyia, Taylor, Mikel, Nees, Mercedes, Lauren
Friends on the Other Side - a deep maroon base with pink-yellow and purple-violet iridescent flakes and silver holographic flakes.
Hurry Back - a very deep vampy burgundy base with pink-yellow-green shifting iridescent micro flake shimmer.
Neon Surge - a neon coral leaning orange with blue-purple shifting iridescent shimmer. Part of the Day Glo collection LIMITED EDITION Swatches by Toyia, Taylor, Mikel, Nees, Mercedes, Lauren
Novamelon - a neon pink with green-pink-purple glowy iridescent shimmer. Some swatches shown topped over Soft Focus Basecoat - Snow. Sold Separately. Part of the Night Glo collection LIMITED EDITION...
Slug Bug - a neon pink base with blue-green-purple shifting iridescent small flakes.
a baby pink base with a strong blue/purple shimmer and silver holographic flakes.
Spiced Cider - a spiced red base with a strong orange-gold-green shifting iridescent shimmer.